[Chorus] G C G Quit your bitchin' nigger and just let things be G D You're messin' up big time take it from me G C G Quit your bitchin' nigger or you'll get your due G D G 'Cause the Ku Klux Klan will come-a-callin' on you [Verse] D For forty-somethin' years you've been raisin' all hell G And niggers that ain't enough D We're all gettin' mighty fed up with you G And all of your civil rights stuff C G Don't you love this country, either you do or you don't C A If you ain't happy, then what the hell do you want [Chorus] G C G Hey Quit your bitchin' nigger and just let things be G D You're messin' up big time take it from me G C G Quit your bitchin' nigger or you'll get your due G D G 'Cause the Ku Klux Klan will come-a-callin' on you [Verse] D You got money and jobs and your equal rights G Given by the government D You got welfare, food stamps, a medical card G And sometimes a little free rent C G You just keep begging, takin' everything we've got C A Well damn you nigger, don't you think it's time to stop [Chorus] G C G So Quit your bitchin' nigger and just let things be G D You're messin' up big time take it from me G C G Quit your bitchin' nigger or you'll get your due G D G 'Cause the Ku Klux Klan will come-a-callin' on you [Verse] D Lately you're yelling 'bout our rebel flag G Wantin' us to take it down D It represents our history and southern pride G And rebel blood on the grass C G So go to hell nigger, I'm tellin' ya loud and clear C A It ain't comin' down, the rebel flag is stayin' right here [Chorus] G C G Hey Quit your bitchin' nigger and just let things be G D You're messin' up big time take it from me G C G Quit your bitchin' nigger or you'll get your due G D G 'Cause the Ku Klux Klan will come-a-callin' on you
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