Cass Elliot - Theres A New World Coming: аккорды для гитары

Cass Elliot – Theres A New World Coming: аккорды для гитары

Текст песни "Cass Elliot – Theres A New World Coming" с аккордами для гитары

F Gm  F  Gm  F
  Gm        F   Gm    F   Gm
There's a new world coming
         F    Gm        F    Gm
and it's just around the bend
Gm        F   Gm    F      Gm
There's a new world coming
Gm        F           Bb/C  C7
This one coming to an end
          Gm7       C7
There's a new voice calling
        Am7            Dm
you can hear it if you try
         Gm7     F/C
and it's growing stronger
          Gm7            Bb/C    C7
with each day that passes by....

          F     Gm  F      Gm
There's a brand new morning
        F        Gm        F    Gm
rising clear and sweet and free
          F   Gm  F      Gm
there's a new day dawning
     F          Gm     Bb/C   C7
that belongs to you and me....
      Gm7       C7
yes a new world coming
        Am7              Dm
the one we've had vision of
          Gm7               Bb/C            F    Gm/  F/  Gm/  F
coming in peace.. coming in joy.. coming in love!
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